
Residential Services

ARC Community Services, Inc. operates five residential substance use disorder treatment programs for women in Wisconsin. ARC residential programs have specialized experience addressing the needs of women involved in the criminal justice system.

One of the programs, the Maternal and Infant Program, specializes in serving pregnant or postpartum women and their infants. ARC was a leader, nationally, in creating and sustaining a program where mothers involved in the criminal justice system may have their infants live with them in a residential treatment facility while the mothers participate in treatment.

ARC residential services are provided in a safe and homelike environment that fosters dignity and respect for women and avoids retriggering trauma. ARC promotes healthy connections to children, family, significant others, and the community. ARC supports and empowers women to make durable changes to improve their health, socio-economic condition, and the welfare of their families.

"I never really knew what it was like to have people so involved and care so much about my well being and getting better. It’s amazing and I will be forever grateful."

—Former Client

arc house

ARC House

Madison, WI
(608) 283-6430

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arc dayton

ARC Dayton

Madison, WI
(608) 241-7616

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arc community services - fond du lac

ARC Fond du Lac

Fond du Lac, WI 53713
(920) 907-0460

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arc maternal and infant program

ARC Maternal and Infant Program

Madison, WI
(608) 223-9033

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Services Include:

  • Substance use disorder assessment and treatment planning
  • Intensive strengths-based case management is the foundation of programming
  • Individual and group interventions for substance use; trauma; family and relationships; parenting; emotional regulation and anger management; cognitive behavioral therapy addressing criminal justice involvement; women's health issues, vocational and life skills; healthy leisure time activities
  • Support for Medication Assisted Treatment
  • Opportunity for children to visit on site
  • Support in working with other system such as CPS
  • Collaboration with wide networks of community providers that provide resources and accept referrals from ARC
  • Continuing care planning for a woman's return to her home community

Each residential program has full-time, multi-disciplinary, professional staff dedicated specifically to that program. ARC group services are for women only and use gender-specific, evidenced-based curricula for women.

For women involved in the criminal justice system, ARC programs are designed to address the risk, need, and responsivity principles that are core to best practices for community corrections programming. ARC staff are knowledgeable of common pathways into the criminal justice system for women including substance use, sexual assault and other violence, and poverty.