
Services for Survivors of Sexual Exploitation and Human Trafficking

Project Respect • Madison, WI • (608) 283-6435

Project RESPECT addresses domestic sex trafficking and local prostitution, offering services for survivors of sexual exploitation and human trafficking. Project RESPECT works to empower survivors and promotes prevention and early intervention. Project RESPECT provides services consistent with our mission of supporting survivors' efforts to change their lives. The project utilizes knowledge of survivors with life experience and encourages leadership building. No matter how you got into the life, we are here for you.

I deserve support.

I deserve understanding.

I deserve dignity.

I deserve respect.

arc project respect


Survivors' lives may be characterized by sexual assault, childhood sexual assault/abuse, domestic violence, homelessness, poverty and incarceration. Survivor needs may also include: medical care; victim advocacy; legal assistance; mental health care; transportation assistance; crisis response; life skills training; education; case management; peer support group; job skills, training, and placement; information about crime victims' rights and services; employment; counseling; dental care; substance abuse treatment.

Project RESPECT services include:

  • Outreach
  • Advocacy
  • Comprehensive case management
  • Counseling
  • Crisis intervention
  • Peer support services
  • A safe place to meet and talk with other survivors with similar histories, assists them in taking control of their own lives
  • Building self-esteem, self-awareness, self-empowerment, and pride in accomplishments
  • Alternative to incarceration services
  • Referrals to vital services, including mental health, housing, and vocational education

People Served

Project RESPECT serves adult and juvenile victims of: prostitution, sexual exploitation, and human trafficking. For information, please call (608) 283-6435.

Training Provided

Project RESPECT provides training to law enforcement, service providers, and community based organizations to improve systems response for victims.


Services are free to clients. Project Respect is supported by funding from the City of Madison, Dane County, the US Department of Justice Office for Victims of Crime, the Wisconsin Department of Justice Office of Crime Victim Services, and United Way of Dane County.


RESPECT began as a city and county project and became a community-based project under ARC's leadership in 1986 in order to make the services more accessible to people involved in prostitution.