
Criminal Justice Diversion

ARC provides case management and treatment to women, who are referred by the Dane County courts in connection with a drug or alcohol related offense, to address their substance use disorder. The programs help women avoid greater involvement in the criminal justice system.

"ARC has given me hope. It has given me confidence and some of my self esteem back. I realize who I was when I used isn't who I am. Who I was, was my disease. Thank you so much for the help. ARC saved my life."

—Former Client

arc drug court diversion program

Drug Court Diversion Program

1409 Emil Street, Madison, WI 53713
(608) 283-6433

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arc drug treatment court program

Drug Treatment Court Program

1409 Emil Street, Madison, WI 53713
(608) 283-6433

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Services Include:

  • Diversion of alcohol and drug dependent women from the criminal justice system, especially the Dane County Jail
  • Intensive case management
  • Coordination of treatment services with community agencies
  • Assistance in obtaining safe housing
  • Assistance in job preparedness
  • Assistance in securing available benefits
  • A Cognitive Interventions group

ARC developed these diversion programs to provide services to women in numbers proportional to their involvement in the Dane County criminal justice system and to improve program retention and outcomes for women by modifying services to address specialized service needs of women. The case management programs provide structure, strengths-based case plan development and monitoring of the woman's overall functioning in the community, compliance with treatment requirements through weekly staffings at the treatment location and/or more frequent telephone contact with the treatment provider to provide a seamless delivery of services. The programs include wraparound meetings for women receiving treatment in one of the ARC treatment programs and, if available, at other treatment locations. The approach is based on the relational model of women’s development that recognizes the need for support networks throughout the community. The wraparound process brings together the formal and informal natural and community networks to develop a single coordinated care plan unique to each woman.