
Center for Women and Children

ARC Center for Women & Children • 1409 Emil Street, Madison, WI 53713 • (608) 283-6426

The ARC Center for Women & Children is a community-based, women's-specific, day treatment program for adult women with substance use disorders who may or may not have children. Services are provided for up to five days per week.

"I believe that it is very helpful having support from family and friends to be included in my treatment."

—Former Client

arc center for women and children

Women Served

The Center for Women and Children serves women age 18 and older who are Wisconsin residents. Self-referrals are welcome. ARC also accepts referrals from social services and other agencies. For information or to schedule an assessment, please call (608) 283-6426.

Call 283-6426 or email


Free to women without insurance or coverage for this service. Funded by a grant from the Wisconsin Department of Health Services, as well as Dane County and United Way. Some insurance or self-pay accepted.


Opened in 1989, this project was originally the state demonstration project "Model Women's AODA Treatment Program" and part of 1989 ACT 339 Omnibus Drug Bill.


The Center for Women and Children is certified by the Wisconsin Department of Health Services as a day treatment program for substance use disorders and as a mental health outpatient clinic for treatment of co-occurring disorders.

Funding for this program was made possible by SAPTBG funding. The views expressed in written conference materials or publications and by speakers and moderators do not necessarily reflect the official policies of the Department of Health Services; nor does mention of trade names, commercial practices, organizations imply endorsement by the U.S. Government or the state of Wisconsin.